Facebook announces new 'Manage Activity' feature that lets you hide your past posts

Publish date: 2023-02-18

What you need to know

Facebook has announced a brand new feature called 'Manage Activity', which is designed to help you archive or trash old posts all in one place.

In a press release today Facebook stated:

Whether you're entering the job market after college or moving on from an old relationship, we know things change in people's lives, and we want to make it easy for you to curate your presence on Facebook to more accurately reflect who you are today. That's why we're launching Manage Activity to help you archive or trash old posts, all in one place. The archive feature is for content you no longer want others to see on Facebook, but that you still want to keep for yourself. For example, you could archive a post you made when you were in high school that you still find amusing but that you'd rather not be seen by anyone else on Facebook.

You can of course already hide/delete Facebook posts, the new feature is designed to let you target more than one post from a single location to allow for bulk deletion.

The new feature also lets you move posts to the trash, where they will remain for 30 days before being deleted. You can choose to manually delete them or to restore them before them. There are also features to let you view and manage posts in bulk, as well as filters to help you target posts with specific people in them, or from a specific time frame. As noted above, it could be used, amongst other things, to remove all posts about a past relationship, or from a certain time at college.

The feature is coming to mobile first, then desktop and Facebook Lite "in the future."

You can read the full release here.
