Google wants to let you know how much you use YouTube Premium

Publish date: 2023-01-30

What you need to know

Google has now added a page in the YouTube app, aimed at educating Premium users about how much they use its benefits. The new page will show you how many hours you've spent listening to music in YouTube Music, how many hours you've spent watching videos with the screen off, how much you've taken advantage of the ad-free videos. It essentially quantifies your YouTube Premium benefits for you, engendering loyalty or at least making it harder to unsubscribe once you see how much you've been relying on it.

Personally, I've canceled Premium once or twice to try out Spotify or an alternate streaming service, and a return is always quick due to ad-free YouTube, offline video, and so on. Of course, not everyone is a fan of Google's Premium offering.

Android Central'sJoe Maring tried YouTube Music earlier this year and found it wanting. If you really don't like Googles music streaming service, then seeing how much you use it wouldn't really move the needle. There's also the question of why Google's showing this now. With Google giving YouTube premium users free Stadia kits, is the company either about to hit some huge milestone — or is YouTube Premium just not hitting the right notes with the accountants.

Either way, you can check out how much you use YouTube Premium from your account page in the YouTube app.

YouTube Premium

Google's flagship streaming service offers a lot for customers, and its new page spells out all those benefits. With ad-free streaming for both video and music, YouTube Premium presents a value-based argument against rivals.
